Staff members and volunteers
Must be CPR and first aid certified; this training must be renewed every two years. In addition to this, staff and volunteers must also be EMT certified and this training must be renewed every three years. Ambulance drivers must be CEVO trained.
Benefits: If you do not have a sponsoring agency, we offer free initial and continuous EMT and CPR training for all volunteers.

*Meeting information: We hold monthly meetings on the fourth Thursday of every month, with the exception being the third Thursday in December. All meetings are at 7PM and monthly drills are held right before at 6:30PM.
Job Descriptions
Must be of good moral character and be approved by a majority vote by ballot at a regular or annual meeting. He/She must maintain current NYS EMT-B certification, current CPR certification, meet the medical requirements of the corps and applicable state law. He/She shall be required to perform the full duties of an ambulance corps member, and shall attend meetings, drills, and schools of instruction required by the Corps. All persons reaching the age of 65 years may be required to meet additional or special requirements prescribed by the insurance carrier insuring the Corps.
Member must be at least 21 years of age, of good moral character, and be approved by a majority vote by ballot at a regular or annual meeting. He/She must maintain current CPR certification and meet the medical requirements of the corps and applicable state law. He/She shall be required to perform the full duties of an ambulance corps member, and shall attend meetings, drills, and schools of instruction required by the Corps. All persons reaching the age of 65 years may be required to meet additional or special requirements prescribed by the insurance carrier insuring the Corps.
Member must be at least 18 years of age, of good moral character, and be approved by a majority vote by ballot at a regular or annual meeting. He/She must maintain current CPR certification and meet the medical requirements of the corps and applicable state law. He/She shall be required to perform the full duties of an ambulance corps member, and shall attend meetings, drills, and schools of instruction required by the Corps. All persons reaching the age of 65 years may be required to meet additional or special requirements prescribed by the insurance carrier insuring the Corps.
Member must be at least 16 years of age, of good moral character, and be approved by a majority vote by ballot at a regular or annual meeting. He/She must meet the medical requirements of the corps and applicable state law. This class of member may ride as a third or fourth member on the ambulance. He/She shall be required to perform the full duties of an ambulance corps member, and shall attend meetings, drills, and schools of instruction as required by the Corps. Apprentice status is in effect until a member reaches the age of 18.
Member who contributes to the existence and the well-being of the Town of Montgomery Ambulance Corps and who has been approved by a majority vote by ballot at a regular or annual meeting. Such members shall have the right to participate in all social functions. Such members shall not perform ambulance duties. Such members shall not hold office or have voting privileges.
Social members do not participate in emergency patient care operations and do not ride in ambulances. Instead, this position offers fund development support to the organization.